I was talking to John's Mom today on the phone and she offered to come over and help me clean! I accepted and she came over! And LOOK what we did together! We accomplished the goal of cleaning out the area where we need to put the bookcases together and it is ready for painting. Some things were put in the sunroom but most of it when into her car for giveaway! THANK YOU KAREN!!!
Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without nearly catching the house on fire...we had put all our packing peanuts and bubble wrap into a big plastic trash bag. It got shoved against the wall heater while we were cleaning. The hot grill started melting the peanuts and plastic!!! What makes me laugh is that those packing peanuts SHRUNK into teeny, tiny peanuts and got really hard!! They were actually so cute! The bad smell is gone and so is the bag of plastic...into the garbage can!
The top photo was from July 30th...the cart and wall-o-drawers still in the room and bottom is today: