Thursday, October 6, 2011

Final Dining Room-Before and After

WOW. It's been almost two months since I started this process in the dining room. We have some new habits and the dining room has stayed clean this whole time. Amazing. Every single night we clean it off and we just don't junk it up like we used to...what a delight!


  1. Gorgeous!!! Maintained order = maintained peace. Let the peace increase and spread and flow into all the rooms of your heart and home. What a beauty to behold, my friend. Your victory spurs me on and encourages me to no end.

  2. @Angela Yes, the "peace has increased"! I do spend more time maintaining the areas that we've cleaned up, but it is a small price to pay for the benefit of having a tidy house (well, tidy rooms)! Now I can actually see if something is out of place and I've been kinda ruthless about it as we establish new habits. I think it takes a bit of ruthlessness to keep it clean. I'm getting ready to tackle the living room next.


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