Sunday, April 27, 2014

Overcoming the Stronghold

Truthfully, I've been completely discouraged the past few months. I've tried to blog a few times, but lacked the motivation to say anything worthwhile at all. My husband has helped me with a few tasks and projects, but I'm not making the headway needed. I need to OVERCOME.

It's pretty easy to see other people's strongholds, but not my own, so I've been thinking about that. My stuff and lack of action seem to be the areas where I'm not growing. I've been giving my weight loss journey a lot of attention the past three months and I'm good and strong in a losing pattern. As I continue that focus, I want to have victory in the tidy house area of my life.

I spent some time this afternoon evaluating what's not working (um, I'M not working)! So simple enough-lack of action! WHY? My pattern is to do my morning routine (sometimes into the afternoon) and then reward myself by sitting at the computer...and I often stay there all day accomplishing little to nothing.

I'm wasting time. I don't want to do that any more.

It helped me today to write down (I'm very visual) each and every tiny step for my morning routine and other systems so I could SEE them. My plan is to change my "stuck to my computer chair" habit over the next month. Tomorrow is day one and what I need to do is take my afternoon and NOT sit at the computer. I can do it with the Lord's help!

This is my focus...everything needs a place and when it has a place, it will be easy to put away. I'm excited for THAT!


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