I spent about 7 months of self-education about my lack of cooking habits which is documented in that blog. I'm at a point where I feel "educated" in that area! Huge changes were made in my family...we began eating dinners every night together with a meal prepared by me! My kids eat a homemade lunch every day and I now have a system for meal planning and preparation and feel that I can build on that firm foundation in the future. I find that I'm just taking pictures of dinners over and over...there's no real growth now because I'm working the system that is now in place. Hooray!
I've been so burdened about my home. It takes all I have just to keep up with the daily stuff...laundry, dishes, picking up and living life, let alone DIGGING OUT of the mess that exists. It's like being in financial debt. I have all the same monthly obligations which use up everything I bring in (daily chores & living), but there's nothing in the budget to reduce the debt (energy and time to declutter).
I did dig out of the sunroom and living room about a month ago. But no lasting change...it is a mess again (different, but the same). No real change is occurring so something needs to happen at the heart-level.
I'm hoping to post these pictures with the faith and hope that the Lord will bring change and I'll be able to see the journey and at the "end" see a clean house that is kept tidy! In the same way I can see my growth and change through my self-education about cooking.
PHOTO: front hallway
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