Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some Movement

In the past, I've dissected the room into quarters and set out to clean up each section. But all this does is clean the room. Of course, this is a good thing, but I realize that I did that recently and the room is messy again. There's something more fundamental that needs to change. So I've been crying out to the Lord for wisdom for a couple weeks and I've been emailing Barbie about "the mess" for some input. In the same way I devoted some time in the afternoons to self-education about cooking, I'm going to do the same around cleaning up my house-and keeping it that way.

I've been emailing Barbie about "the mess" for some input. When she responds to my questions, there's always a precious nugget I can apply. I've printed out her responses to our conversation and put them in a notebook. Now I can collect my thoughts in one place and build on some new ideas. She's brought up some important points that I've been thinking about for a couple days:
-spend 15 minutes evaluating each room for what is on the floor (garbage, dirty laundry, toys, etc)
-spend a few minutes each day putting these items away (no digging, just pick up stuff to get started)
-put it away: in order to put it away, it has to be easy to do

This morning I started my notebook and took a piece of paper and wrote down what I see in each room. I'm storing that paper in my notebook. Wow, I learned SO much today! For the first time, probably EVER, I have HOPE! (this all happened on Monday 8/15/2011 but I'm putting it on different days because I like the date to show on each post).


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